dimecres, 9 de novembre del 2016


Today I will explain you about mechanisms.
What is a simple machine?
A simple machine is a device that makes work easier by magnifying or changing the direction of a force
There are six types of simple mechanisms:
      -Lever: is one of the most basic forms of a machine. Its helps us lift loads with less effort.
      -Wheel and axle: a wheel is located to a central axle and they rotate each other when a force is applied on either one of them.
      -Pulley: a basic pulley comprises of a wheel on a fixed axle, with a groove along the edge to guide a rope
      -Inclined plane: it is a plane surface, set at an angle against a horizontal surface
      -Wedge: is made up of two inclined planes. These planes meet and form a sharp edge.

      -Screw: has a long and thin metal shaft with threads spiralling along its length.
Resultado de imagen de use of simple machines in our daily life This is an example where shows that we use simple machines in our dily life

There are four types of motion:
     -Linear motion:moving one way in a straight line


     -Reciprocating motion: moving backwards and fowards in a straight line
     -Oscillating motion: moving backwards and fowards in an arc

     -Rotary motion: moving in a cicle

     -Circular cams:
Resultado de imagen de circular cam

     -Snail cam

      -Four-lobed cam



  -Pear cam

Resultado de imagen de pear cam


Here i will put the link of a conceptual map. Click here


divendres, 7 d’octubre del 2016


I'm Maria Rosselló Gili, and it's my first time on this blog. Today I will introduce myself.
I'm from Artà, and I go to the secundary school of IES Llorenç Garcies I Font. I'm 13 years old and I have one sister and one brother, they live in London, my sister is Àngela and she is 24 years old and she works as a dentist, my brother is Miquel Sebastià and he is 21 and he works as a waiter. 
I like to play voleyball and play the flute and listen music.

We will use this blog for technology lessons.

Now i will put a link of my first powtoon
my fist powtoon
I have enjoyed using powtoon, because it is very usefull website. I recomend it to you.
I hope you have enjoyed my powtoon.