divendres, 16 de juny del 2017

My last post

Hello, I'm here again, but for the last time! Today I'll write about the electrical electricity.

Ways to produce elecrical energy
Turning generators indirectly
Generator can be turned idndirectly using fossil or nuclear fuels
The national grid

Turning generators directly
Generator can be turned directly by:
     -wind turbines
     -hydroelectric turbines
     -wave and tidal turbines

Some innovations about saving or producing energy
  • Massive wind turbines.
  •  Liquid metal batteries.
Resultado de imagen de Liquid metal batteries.
Give some advices of how to save energy at home
  • Solar pannels
Resultado de imagen de solar panels
  • To take benefit of the natural light
Resultado de imagen de llum natural
  • To reduce the quantity of water 
Resultado de imagen de reduce water
About your solar device
My solar device is a solar oven.
Resultado de imagen de solar oven

About the subject of technology. What do you like most? What less? 
I like when we are doing Kahoots. And Idon't like doing Skratche's because I think is very difficult and I don't know how to do it.

Which is your favorite software/project used ths year?
My favorites softwares has been Kahoot and Mindomo. The Kahoot because it's funny and it's very competitive and I like it a lot. The Minodomo I've like it because I've learnt a webpage for doing squemes.

Resultado de imagen de KAHOOT     Resultado de imagen de MINDOMO

dijous, 4 de maig del 2017


Hello! I'm here again! Today I'll explain the workshop project that we made with the university students!!
- What does it mean to be an engineer?

 Engineering is the practical application of science and math to solve
problems, and it is everywhere in the world around you. From the start to the end of each day, engineering technologies improve the ways that we communicate, work, travel, stay healthy, and entertain ourselves. 

- How has been your experience with your team? Has all the members worked? 
 I've really enjoyed these experience because I think we have learned much more than if we had studied theorically. Yes, all the members worked and gave their ideas.

- Have you achieved the goal? What was wrong? How could it be improved?
 No, we haven't but we have tried. The main problem was that the blades of the windmill were bigger/larger than the base. To improve it we should cut thr blades.

- Have you worked as an engineer? Why? How have you felt?
Yes, because the task was to create a mill, so we had to think the better way and also to solve the problems while we were doing it.

- Personal opinion
It has been a very interesting project and we've learned what an engineer is and also have been very original. I've like it

dimarts, 10 de gener del 2017

Clean up plastics from the oceans

Today I wll talk about the problem because of the plastics and the quantity of plastics in the oceans.

The main problem is that nowadays we have a very high quantity of plastic in oceans and seas, so a boy called BOYLAN SLAT'S tried to do something to recollect the plastic.

Another problem is that the plastic is a material that takes a long time to descompose, and is not biodegradable.

Let’s talk about the genious Boyan Slat, is a dutch boy and as I’ve said he was trying to solve the problem so he did a kind of a Wall to concentrate all the plastic and then take it out.

My opinion about this project is like Boyan, I’m agree with Boyan because is better to have the ocean clean because of the environment. I think that Boyan had an incredible idea.