dimarts, 10 de gener del 2017

Clean up plastics from the oceans

Today I wll talk about the problem because of the plastics and the quantity of plastics in the oceans.

The main problem is that nowadays we have a very high quantity of plastic in oceans and seas, so a boy called BOYLAN SLAT'S tried to do something to recollect the plastic.

Another problem is that the plastic is a material that takes a long time to descompose, and is not biodegradable.

Let’s talk about the genious Boyan Slat, is a dutch boy and as I’ve said he was trying to solve the problem so he did a kind of a Wall to concentrate all the plastic and then take it out.

My opinion about this project is like Boyan, I’m agree with Boyan because is better to have the ocean clean because of the environment. I think that Boyan had an incredible idea.

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